Sent by mum on 31/10/2019

I still vividly remember every single moment of that special day when you my nafeesah went back to the most merciful and beneficent Allah Swt. Alhumdulilah Allah swt gave me himaa to give you gusal and prepare you for special meeting. You are at a beautiful place with gardens no eye has seen or imagined under the care of khaliula. That is enough for me to stay patient till I meet you again. Furthermore now I realised the day you passed away and I was trying to calm my heart sitting on the grass in the garden lots of lady bugs came over me and I was watching them and marveling at their beauty and feeling something was out of the ordinary, I felt as as if it was you nafeesah somehow telling me every thing will be allright and that you are allright. And today I searched the meaning of seeing lady bug and it emotionly hit me that tears filled my eyes. "the ladybug sighting is one way a spirit can send you a comforting" I'm here" if ladybug reminds you of a special person. Try to feel the message of your lady bug sighting "when ever I see lady bug I feel as if you are near me and watching me. Love you more then stars in the sky. Stay smiling and happy with your stary eyes....